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/ The Best of Down Under Games / The Best of Down Under Games.iso / 3dfx Screen Savers / Flutterby's / src.zip

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Directories (1)
Name# Files

Images (1)

Text (23)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
_vimrc Text File 3 58b 1997-07-24
amp.h C/C++ Source or Header 55 984b 1997-04-19
audio.h C/C++ Source or Header 148 4KB 1997-04-19
audioio.h C/C++ Source or Header 29 500b 1997-04-19
Boid.cpp C/C++ Source or Header 940 20KB 1997-07-25
cam.cpp Text File 77 1KB 1997-07-25
cam.h Text File 81 2KB 1997-07-25
dbird.h C/C++ Source or Header 114 6KB 1997-07-25
dbird2.h C/C++ Source or Header 118 7KB 1997-07-24
dump.h C/C++ Source or Header 22 696b 1997-06-22
formats.h C/C++ Source or Header 15 319b 1997-04-19
getbits.h C/C++ Source or Header 62 1KB 1997-06-22
getdata.h C/C++ Source or Header 49 2KB 1997-06-22
getopt.h C/C++ Source or Header 134 5KB 1997-04-19
huffman.h C/C++ Source or Header 248 19KB 1997-04-19
image.cpp C/C++ Source or Header 266 6KB 1997-07-25
IMAGE.H C/C++ Source or Header 18 321b 1997-07-25
layer3.h C/C++ Source or Header 17 311b 1997-04-19
MAKEFILE Text File 17 546b 1997-07-25
misc2.h C/C++ Source or Header 1,267 130KB 1997-06-22
proto.h Text File 26 526b 1997-04-19
stuipd.crap Text File 98 2KB 1997-07-25
transform.h C/C++ Source or Header 182 12KB 1997-04-19

Other Files (2)
boid.obj Intel Common Object File Format Object 29KB 1997-07-25
image.obj Intel Common Object File Format Object 4KB 1997-07-25